07 February 2008

The Government majors are at it again...

Somehow this week's US History forum turned into a discussion of politics and candidates and all that jazz that's been on the news. I can't imagine how... Anyway, what I posted there is relevant here, and is pretty much my perspective on this whole election thing. It always helps to get things back to first principles.

"Whilst it has been fun listening to all you government majors rant and rave about how America is going down the tubes with liberal Democrats and liberal Republicans and Third Party pipe dreams, I already knew all that. I shall go quietly to the Nebraska primaries on May 15th and cast my vote dutifully as a citizen, quite probably blog my opinion, and possibly participate in some "get out the vote" stuff, and then leave the results in God's hands. It's not the end of the world, folks. Or if it is, then so be it.
Just remember:

Daniel 4:25 "...the Most High is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone He wishes."

Proverbs 21:1 "The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord; he directs it like a watercourse wherever He pleases."

I pray for the sake of the Church and for our peace as homeschoolers that we may be given a just ruler, but if we are given an evil ruler in judgment on our national sins, so be it. Our brothers in the Middle East and China and Eastern Europe (and Germany) would still love to live here. One of our very own DL professors (Dr. Erdmann) had to flee Germany a couple years ago because his family was homeschooling, and now lives in Switzerland where he must hold 4 or 5 jobs to keep up with the cost of living. Count your blessings.

Now I'm off to make a post on HISTORY.... ;-)

Your Tory friend,
For Monarchy and the Divine Right of Kings (you can't get much further to the right than that),



Unknown said...

Excellent post.

I remember those US History days when I would sign onto ANGEL and there would be 500+ unread posts... not that no one had anything good to say, but sometimes enough is enough, no? My opinion is that Plato held a bit of truth in his theory that young people shouldn't be caught up in debates until they are older and more mature.

Lots of hot words have been flying around this year with the presidential elections. But like you said, it is in God's hands. Vote, pray, and trust in Him for the results! I'm looking forward to a post on your opinion about the elections...

Keep up the good work and God bless.

Jake said...

Good observations, man. We as Christians can't afford to get bogged down in the world's squabbles to the point where we don't like each other anymore.

Holly said...

Good post, Colin! It's easy to get sidetracked from the reality that God is in control, even though that doesn't release us from civic responsibilities. =D

And thanks for the encouragement on my blog! You're right--better late than never re: the submission topic. :D
(And I very much like that quote from Aslan.)


(PS - You have a lot of blogs. ;))