18 April 2008


Ah, spring...at long last the barren waste of a Nebraska winter is coming alive in a verdant rebirth. The birds have returned, and the new grass is slowly overcoming the dead remains of last year's. The hedges and windbreaks are already budding, and soon will burst forth in rapturous welcome of Spring...

Alright, I'll admit that this is just an excuse to post some pictures taken a few days ago from the vantage point of one of our trees.

Though the background is still stubbornly bare, the buds in the foreground, and the streaks of green in the grass are a fair promise of the coming spring.

On Wednesday, it was a sunny 72 degrees, with a strong south wind, and it occurred to me that spring brings summer, and with it heat. Though I prefer the 50s, with clouds and drizzle (as it was on Thursday and today), I'm sure that God's sense of climate control is much better than mine:

"While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, And cold and heat, And summer and winter, And day and night, Shall not cease." Genesis 8:22


AlreadyButNotYetResurrectedFallenMan said...

I must say... Spring and Falltime (Weather) are probably my favorite seasons... however... This Nebraska "Spring" which is still fighting to be called winter is slightly acouth... the pictures are great though!

Anonymous said...

Aye, Nebraska is truly weird...and I agree...I like late fall through early spring. :-)